Emotional Eating, Chronic Dieting, Bingeing and Body Image: What Every Clinician Needs to Know .

Wednesday, 15 Jan, 2020
Start time
8:00 AM
Length of Event
"“I’m too fat.” “I’m on a diet.” “Today is a cheat day.” Once I lose weight, I’ll be happier.” “My eating is out of control.”

This kind of language runs rampant in our society and has no doubt made its way to your office. Clients who struggle with weight and food issues get caught in a vortex of shame, preoccupation and hopelessness. Trapped between the rigidity of dieting and the chaos of overeating, every day can be an emotional battle that may exacerbate or even result in low self-worth, eating disorders, anxiety or depression.

Treatment of these issues is more than a matter of weight loss or self-control. In fact, many times these very interventions do more harm than good!

Join Judith Matz as she shows you how to help your clients identify the shame that is woven into the diet-binge cycle, challenge unhelpful thoughts and feelings, and repair dysfunctional relationships with food – no willpower necessary!

Packed with practical tips and backed by research, this comprehensive 1 day seminar will teach you how to:

Identify issues related to food, weight and body image in your very first session
Utilize CBT, mindfulness and attuned eating strategies to transform shame into empowerment
Discover personal bias and attitudes that may be counterproductive to the therapeutic process
Help clients develop a healthy framework that ends out of control eating and is not subject to fad diets
Learn why clients get stuck in the diet/binge cycle and how to finally break it


Articulate different clinical presentations regarding emotional eating, Binge Eating Disorder, disordered eating and weight concerns.
Examine the impact of diet culture on disordered eating patterns and body image issues that present in clinical treatment.
Teach clients how to implement the three essential steps of attuned eating to replace disordered eating patterns, including binge eating.
Provide psychoeducation for clients regarding the process of translating emotional issues into eating and weight loss focus that results in shame.
Implement strategies to help clients regulate emotional distress without turning to food and to cultivate a positive body image.
Identify the impact of personal bias and weight stigma on clients both within and outside of the treatment setting.
Examine the body of research related to the Health At Every Size framework as it relates to weight and health, and promoting positive, sustainable behaviors.
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