Course meets 13 Mondays starting 1/6/20 – 4:00-5:45pm PST (7:00-8:45pm EST) “This comprehensive 12-week (plus free mandatory intro meeting) CBT course uses a combination of live group didactic sessions together with practice and role play, with emphasis on skill building of therapy tools and techniques for CBT. This course is designed to help you: 1. Collect and review patients’ self-report data in order to improve therapy outcomes and strengthen the therapeutic alliance 2. Utilize advanced empathy skills to connect with more challenging patients doing CBT. 3. Apply “the five secrets of effective communication” with your patients to improve your therapeutic alliance and improve CBT outcomes. 4. Describe “the five steps of agenda setting” to address and decrease resistance in CBT 5. Demonstrate the “Invitation” step 6. Use the “Specificity” step to keep therapy on track 7. Recognize several different common forms of resistance 8. Describe the magic button and magic dial techniques to reduce resistance and boost motivation 9. Use Daily Mood Logs effectively 10. Apply the Blame Cost/Benefit Analysis for use with relationship problems 11. Identify “tempting thoughts” and positive distortions in the treatment of habits and addictions 12. Utilize the recovery circle in selecting appropriate methods 13. Describe relapse prevention to prepare client for managing relapse 14. Use the “What if technique” to uncover anxiety provoking thoughts 15. Apply the “Double Standard technique” to generate positive thoughts that will counter a negative
thought 16. Conceptualize the problem into one of four main areas (mood, relationship, habit/addiction, non-problem) to assist in dealing with resistance and guide method selection 17. Apply the “Examine the Evidence technique” to assist in generating positive/ more realistic thoughts 18. Apply dangling the carrot, sitting with open hands, and the gentle ultimatum to address process resistance. Cost: $720 (price doesn’t include required $99 course materials
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