Somatic Experiencing® Professional Training: Beginning I

Friday, 10 Jan, 2020
Length of Event
Thank you for your interest in the SE Professional Training.

The Somatic Experiencing® (SE™) trauma resolution method, developed by Peter A. Levine, PhD, author of the bestseller, “Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma,” is a potent psychobiological approach to resolving the symptoms of trauma and chronic stress. Whether you are a medical or mental health professional, addictions counselor, first responder, body worker, educator, alternative medicine practitioner, or other helping professional, the three-year SE™ Professional Training is a continuing education program that will help you make an even greater difference with your clients who suffer.

The SE method offers a framework to assess where your client is “stuck” in the fight, flight, or freeze responses and provides clinical tools to resolve these fixated physiological states that underlie so many trauma symptoms. Our educational model is both theoretical and highly experiential, offering you effective skills for restoring nervous system regulation and resolving trauma that can be immediately integrated into your professional practice.

This four-day Beginning I training module is the first of eight modules  constituting the Somatic Experiencing Professional Training and is open to those enrolling for the full Somatic Experiencing Practitioner certificate program. If you are unsure about applying for the full Somatic Experiencing Professional Training, we invite you to first attend one of our introductory workshops to help you determine if the full training program is for you.

Beginning I Course Objectives:

Understand the physiological basis of trauma and identify how maladaptive physiological responses to threat, and their lack of resolution, may contribute to the formation of PTSD symptoms.
Track sensory and sensory-motor experience in clients and convert other elements of experience into sensory and sensory-motor experience.
Demonstrate working through disorganized sensory and sensory-motor experience using the concepts of orientation, stabilization, containment, resourcing, titration, pendulation, and self-regulation to discharge un-discharged arousal in order to help organism return to homeostasis.
Identify adaptive and maladaptive physiology of activation and deactivation in animals and human beings exposed to threat and its aftermath, such as incomplete orienting and defensive responses of fight, flight, and freeze.
Demonstrate working with language that supports the tracking of sensation

To Apply for the 3 Year Professional Training Program:

All prospective students for the 3 Year Professional Training Program must FIRST complete the Professional Training Application.' target='_blank'  Click here to complete the online Application form.

Once your application has been reviewed and accepted, you will be invited to register and pay for your Beginning I Training Module.

CEUs are available for US trainings through APA, ASWB, BRN (CA), NAADAC, NBCC, NCBTMB, and NCCAOM.

Learn more about the training program, faculty, and introductory webinars at our website:
Laura Kitzmiller
Contact person name
(303) 652-4035