The New Face of Anxiety: Treating Anxiety Disorders in the Age of Texting, Social Media and 24/7 Internet Access .

Wednesday, 15 Jan, 2020
Start time
8:00 AM
Length of Event
"Texting rather than talking. Gathering “likes” and followers. Making friends via a gaming console. Unrelenting 24/7 news cycles. Ready or not, the rise of social media, and 24/7 Internet access has changed the way we relate to one another (and ourselves), leaving in its wake a whole new set of challenges for those who use it.

As therapists, you see people of all ages with these issues:

The girl who can’t put her phone away during session. The boy who isn’t sleeping after reading messages on social media. “Friends” of all ages who shame each other for life choices and argue by text. The socially anxious young adult who struggles to meet people in person because all of his “friends” are online. The parent who has to contend with “Facebook shaming” for every parenting decision. The older adult who feels out of touch and disconnected. The impact is rampant and pervasive – as a result, treatment of anxiety doesn’t look the same anymore.

Attend this unique and engaging seminar to learn innovative ways to treat this new facet of anxiety with today’s client. You’ll discover:

Key questions to ask at assessment to uncover problematic use of technology
How excessive screen time affects mood, anxiety and self-worth in clients of all ages
Tools to help clients regulate their emotions and make wise decisions (on and offline)
Innovative techniques for promoting healthy use of technology with clients
Deliberate strategies for managing time, device use and “information overload”

Sign up today!


Evaluate the impact persistent “screen time” exposure can have on the neurobiological and psychological health of clients.
Implement strategies to effectively reduce excessive use of technology that leads to avoidance and increased anxiety.
Increase clients’ capacity to utilize technology in a healthy manner to decrease risk of anxiety and other mental health symptoms.
Establish clinical practices that decrease rumination and build resilience to the stress of the digital world.
Teach clients five strategies for overcoming irrational fears of social interaction in order to improve clinical outcomes.
Implement cognitive-behavioral strategies for challenging distorted beliefs and the “comparison fallacy” as related to online interactions.
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