We at Windhaven House Dallas sober living welcome referrals from treatment centers, extended care programs, intensive outpatient programs, and other addiction professionals. Understanding our role in the continuum of care of women in early recovery, we endeavor to support the process begun by the team of professionals these women have enlisted in the process.
Working as member of this team, we ensure that our referrals continue to meet the commitments they’ve made, such as discharge plans, aftercare plans, continued outpatient treatment, ongoing therapy with clinicians, continued psychiatrist visits if applicable, family therapy, workshops, court-ordered obligations, and many other elements of accountability.
We are also committed to keeping our referring professionals and the families they’ve recommended us to fully informed of their patient’s progress through regular reporting and immediate reporting when issues arise. We know that these professionals are an important part of the overall effort, and can often be very helpful in keeping progress going forward. Further, success of the patient as they continue internalize and practice recovery is useful to our referents as they review and analyze their outcomes, and we realize the importance of this feedback.
Early recovery is a fragile process. We at Windhaven House Dallas sober living go the extra mile to help our program participants be successful. When they are successful, the family, the referent, Windhaven and all others involved are successful and the disease of addiction is not. We are fully aware of the life or death errand at hand and will do our very best.
Please feel free to contact us, we’re happy to answer any of your questions and participate in the transition into Windhaven House. We also stand ready to discuss details with the family and any other entities and individuals involved in the case to clear the way for the patient to join us. We may be reached at 972.948.2612, or you may fill out the quick contact form below. Thank you!