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We are in the midst of a nationwide push to treat chronic pain and address our out-of- control opioid prescribing. At least 1/3 of the people we treat are ... moredealing with this condition, yet most of us are ill-prepared to address this with skill and expertise. The CDC
recently published recommendations for the treatment of chronic pain, specifically highlighting behavioral treatment as an approach that should be tried before opioids are prescribed.
We are witnessing a devastating public health crisis that is ruining individuals’ lives, tearing up families, and ripping through communities. We need to arm ourselves with the skills needed to offer our clients evidence-based behavioral interventions that will help them live healthy and productive lives.
Come to this interactive and cutting-edge training and learn creative tools and techniques to transform your practice. Learn powerful mindfulness interventions and motivational interviewing techniques to move your clients towards behavior change. Master the four pain-changing CBT tools. You will leave with the skills and confidence to provide practical and life-changing help to help people move out of chronic pain and into active, healthy and meaningful lives.
We are in the midst of a nationwide push to treat chronic pain and address our out of control opioid prescribing. At least 1/3 of... more
the people we treat are dealing with this condition, yet most of us are ill-prepared to address this with skill and expertise. The CDC recently published recommendations for the treatment of chronic pain, specifically highlighting behavioral treatment as an approach that should be tried before opioids are prescribed.
We are witnessing a devastating public health crisis that is ruining individual’s lives, tearing up families, and ripping through communities. We need to arm ourselves with the skills needed to offer our clients evidence-based behavioral interventions that will help them live healthy and productive lives.
Come to this interactive and cutting- edge training and learn creative tools and techniques to transform your practice. Learn powerful mindfulness interventions and motivational interviewing techniques to move your clients towards behavior change. Master the four painchanging CBT tools. You will leave with the skills and confidence to provide practical and lifechanging help to help people move out of chronic pain and into active, healthy, and meaningful lives.
"Texting rather than talking. Gathering “likes” and followers. Making friends via a gaming console. Unrelenting 24/7 news cycles. Ready or not, the rise of social ... moremedia, and 24/7 Internet access has changed the way we relate to one another (and ourselves), leaving in its wake a whole new set of challenges for those who use it.
As therapists, you see people of all ages with these issues:
The girl who can’t put her phone away during session. The boy who isn’t sleeping after reading messages on social media. “Friends” of all ages who shame each other for life choices and argue by text. The socially anxious young adult who struggles to meet people in person because all of his “friends” are online. The parent who has to contend with “Facebook shaming” for every parenting decision. The older adult who feels out of touch and disconnected. The impact is rampant and pervasive – as a result, treatment of anxiety doesn’t look the same anymore.
Attend this unique and engaging seminar to learn innovative ways to treat this new facet of anxiety with today’s client. You’ll discover:
Key questions to ask at assessment to uncover problematic use of technology How excessive screen time affects mood, anxiety and self-worth in clients of all ages Tools to help clients regulate their emotions and make wise decisions (on and offline) Innovative techniques for promoting healthy use of technology with clients Deliberate strategies for managing time, device use and “information overload”
Sign up today!
Evaluate the impact persistent “screen time” exposure can have on the neurobiological and psychological health of clients. Implement strategies to effectively reduce excessive use of technology that leads to avoidance and increased anxiety. Increase clients’ capacity to utilize technology in a healthy manner to decrease risk of anxiety and other mental health symptoms. Establish clinical practices that decrease rumination and build resilience to the stress of the digital world. Teach clients five strategies for overcoming irrational fears of social interaction in order to improve clinical outcomes. Implement cognitive-behavioral strategies for challenging distorted beliefs and the “comparison fallacy” as related to online interactions.
"“I’m too fat.” “I’m on a diet.” “Today is a cheat day.” Once I lose weight, I’ll be happier.” ... more“My eating is out of control.”
This kind of language runs rampant in our society and has no doubt made its way to your office. Clients who struggle with weight and food issues get caught in a vortex of shame, preoccupation and hopelessness. Trapped between the rigidity of dieting and the chaos of overeating, every day can be an emotional battle that may exacerbate or even result in low self-worth, eating disorders, anxiety or depression.
Treatment of these issues is more than a matter of weight loss or self-control. In fact, many times these very interventions do more harm than good!
Join Judith Matz as she shows you how to help your clients identify the shame that is woven into the diet-binge cycle, challenge unhelpful thoughts and feelings, and repair dysfunctional relationships with food – no willpower necessary!
Packed with practical tips and backed by research, this comprehensive 1 day seminar will teach you how to:
Identify issues related to food, weight and body image in your very first session Utilize CBT, mindfulness and attuned eating strategies to transform shame into empowerment Discover personal bias and attitudes that may be counterproductive to the therapeutic process Help clients develop a healthy framework that ends out of control eating and is not subject to fad diets Learn why clients get stuck in the diet/binge cycle and how to finally break it
Articulate different clinical presentations regarding emotional eating, Binge Eating Disorder, disordered eating and weight concerns. Examine the impact of diet culture on disordered eating patterns and body image issues that present in clinical treatment. Teach clients how to implement the three essential steps of attuned eating to replace disordered eating patterns, including binge eating. Provide psychoeducation for clients regarding the process of translating emotional issues into eating and weight loss focus that results in shame. Implement strategies to help clients regulate emotional distress without turning to food and to cultivate a positive body image. Identify the impact of personal bias and weight stigma on clients both within and outside of the treatment setting. Examine the body of research related to the Health At Every Size framework as it relates to weight and health, and promoting positive, sustainable behaviors.
Join child/adolescent behavioral expert, R. Nicolle Carr, Ph.D, and learn how to best manage the students at your school diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), ... moreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), mood disorders, anxiety and depression. You will walk away with concrete, yet practical, strategies to successfully intervene with their serious behavioral issues, such as:
Anger and outbursts Meltdowns and tantrums Cutting and self-injury Obsessive compulsive Defiance Truancy Impulsivity Rigidity Sensory issues Electronic addiction
Through case studies, video clips and dynamic class discussion you will learn:
30 second teacher strategies to manage challenging and disruptive behaviors New ways to reduce the costs of out-of-district placements How to engage students in class, increase productivity and reduce truancy Behavioral assessments and strategies for the IEP team Side-effects of common psychotropic medications How skill deficits from mental health conditions create behavioral difficulties Characteristics of at-risk students’ mental health problems Strategies to gain collaboration with clinicians
Leave the day with the “magic dust” you have been looking for to expedite rapid and effective changes in these children and adolescents!
"Clinicians often struggle to develop an effective approach to counseling grief clients due to the uniqueness of each individual’s grief. The last 10-15 years have seen an ... moreexplosion of new research in the field and many new studies have turned what we thought we knew on its head. Explore this new research about appropriate diagnosis of grief clients, ideas for how to assess grief severity and related constructs, and clarification about what is meant by “complicated grief.” Review the most commonly used current models for understanding grief and leave with tools, including 20 interventions, to more confidently assist clients in navigating the adaptive, yet confusing and difficult, grief process. The seminar will end with a focus on self-care, discussing how to appropriately manage and care for ourselves in this demanding, yet fulfilling, work."
What do you do with anxiety and trauma clients who do not improve? The anxiety spectrum exemplifies the disorders where emotions override thought. Fragmented... more memories get stored in the body. The Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) collapse this uncomfortable emotional and physical reactivity, therefore freeing a path for spontaneous insights and clearer thinking. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a comprehensive mind-body treatment that desensitizes three areas: unwanted thoughts, emotions and physical reactions. EFT combines physical interventions derived from restorative (self-applied) acupressure theory with cognitive interventions. EFT is an evidence-based practice with over 100 published studies. One published study demonstrated a 24% decrease in cortisol (stress hormone) level in the EFT group (Energypsych.org). EFT is an effective brief therapy and belongs in every therapist’s tool box. Transform your clinical excellence; bring EFT into your practice and treat resistant problems that other methods failed. This seminar focuses on cutting-edge techniques of EFT to treat the anxiety spectrum disorders including:
Phobias Generalized Anxiety Social Anxiety Disorderbull; Panic OCD Acute Traumatic Stress Reactions These mind-body methods are emerging into mainstream mental health, trauma treatment, coaching, employee assistance programs and sport psychology arenas as rapid, effective, non-invasive, calming, desensitizing tools. Do not miss this opportunity to learn evidence-based techniques you can use immediately with your clients and improve treatment outcomes.
Objectives 1) Explain the origin and efficacy of the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) including peer reviewed, published research. 2) Implement self-applied, light touch or tapping on acupoints to calm and rebalance the body system while thinking about disturbing upsets to create a desensitized state as measured by continuous dropping of the SUDS level. 3) Distinguish that EFT is a mind-body treatment that desensitizes unwanted thoughts, emotions and physical discomfort. 4) List exploratory questions to elicit the first or worst defining event and how to treat it in all manifestations in the past, present and future. 5) Demonstrate EFT techniques for stress, phobias, generalized anxiety disorder, panic and traumatic events. 6) Describe how EFT can greatly diminish frustrating OCD compulsions and unwanted habits. 7) Utilize a two-prong approach to treating social anxiety: EFT and social skill building. 8) Describe why EFT works in conjunction with and beyond talk therapy and how it often cuts quickly through resistant problems. 9) Explore working with pain reduction using acupoints and psychological constructs of metaphors and emotions. 10) State the ethical concerns of not working outside knowledge base and obtaining ongoing “permission” to use these methods.
Even as a grief expert, David was unprepared for the sudden death of his son, who died at age 21. People asked him, “What’s it like for the grief expert to lose ... morehis son?” He would answer, “The grief expert did not lose his son, the father did.” Everything he knew about grief turned out to be true. David had to go through the five stages of grief but found himself wanting more from the experience – he wanted to find meaning in his life after such a terrible loss. He learned that broken heart syndrome is real and he realized he would either die of it or live with it, and that healing occurs not when grief gets smaller, but when life gets bigger. This led to the discovery of the 6th stage of grief – finding meaning.
Based on David Kessler’s new book, Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief, this seminar is designed to help professionals guide people through life’s worst moments to find meaning after loss. All types of loss will be covered, including betrayal, loss of a parent or family member, and loss due to addiction, mental illness and suicide.
After attending this seminar, you will be able to enhance your work with those who have dealt with any kind of loss. It will fill you with new insight, tools, strategies, and inspiring information, leaving you looking forward to the next day… so you can immediately begin to use all you have learned! Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from one of the world’s leading grief experts"
After decades of clinical innovation and recent scientific research, the empirically validated Internal Family Systems (IFS) model has been shown to be effective at improving ... moreclients’ general functioning and well-being. This effective model provides clinicians with procedures for helping clients with the most challenging mental health profiles to heal the wounded, burdened, and traumatized parts of their systems.
The IFS model provides a compassionate, respectful, non-pathologizing approach to understanding the organization and functioning of the human psyche.
The transformative IFS approach embraces and celebrates the natural multiplicity of the mind. Its assumption is that every part of the system has good intention and valuable resources allows clinicians to approach even the most troubling of “symptoms” with compassion and respect. IFS offers therapists a powerful and effective set of tools for empowering clients with a wide range of clinical profiles to heal the wounded and burdened parts of their internal systems, resulting in:
a way to enter clients’ inner ecology without the overemphasis on containment and stabilization symptom reduction and improved functioning for clients deep self-healing within even the most troubled clients
IFS is a powerful treatment modality. Once you experience it, you will want to incorporate it into your practice.
Through instruction, video demonstration, and experiential exercises, Alexia D. Rothman, Ph.D., Certified IFS therapist and colleague of Dr. Richard Schwartz (founder of IFS) will show you step-by-step how to apply the most effective, empirically validated IFS interventions to help your clients connect with and understand their conflicting parts to facilitate deep, lasting healing.
Join internationally known attachment and trauma therapist, Kathryn Seifert, Ph.D., in this cutting-edge seminar as he teaches you concepts and skills necessary to facilitate ... morepositive change with challenging clients with trauma and/or attachment wounds. You will learn effective assessment and therapeutic techniques for children, adults and couples, based on the latest research in neurobiology, trauma and attachment therapy, and resilience. Clinical videos will illustrate how various interventions promote change and healing with the following issues:
Beliefs and attitudes Attachment security in children and adults Traumatic emotions, behaviors, mindsets, and brain/biochemistry Self-regulation Communication and resilience Family dynamics Controlling, defiant and resistant clients.
Through video case studies, presentation and discussion, you will leave this seminar with practical and effective techniques you can use to help clients achieve symptom reduction, fulfilling lives and meaningful relationships."
The client whose problems meet the DSM-5® criteria for a Personality Disorder can be the most difficult client in your caseload to treat. They may require ... moremore time in therapy, more energy and involvement on your part, experience a greater number of life crises, and create more upset with their family, work, and social systems than virtually any other diagnostic group. Often being “sent” for therapy rather than choosing therapy, their motivation for change may be limited and their personality disorder is likely co-morbid with other exacerbating disorders.
Join Gregory W. Lester, PhD, and take home an integrated approach for working with these challenging clients.
Spend two action-packed days learning about the newest advances in psychopharmacology and contemporary trends in medication management. Sonata Bohen teaches psychopharmacology ... morethoughtfully, with an emphasis on the experience of the client. Sonata’s extensive 30 plus years of experience and passion for clients, shines through in the detail and thoroughness of her presentation.
Clients often only have a few minutes with their prescriber and require additional support. It’s vital that you are able to answer their questions, help manage side effects and understand reactions. Designed for counselors, nurses, psychotherapists, psychologists, and other mental health professionals, Sonata provides the information you need in order to best help your clients.
This conference allows time for exploration of underrepresented areas, including ADHD, sleep, eating, and substance use disorders. Take home specialized guidelines for geriatrics, pregnant or nursing women, and clients with chronic pain. Discuss how the DSM-5® has impacted prescribing patterns and the use of psychotropics in newly defined diagnoses. In addition to a general ‘nuts and bolts’ review of medications, you will examine case examples, discuss medication controversies and how to effectively collaborate with prescribing practitioners.
Sonata’s engaging presentation includes many take home “pearls” you can use to teach your clients about their medications and how to protect them from concerning, dangerous or adverse effects. You will find this conference to have the most up to date medication information and how to use it most effectively with your client.
Discover yoga-based interventions that can help regulate the autonomic nervous system and learn how to incorporate these interventions for effective outcomes.... more
Join Irina Diyankova, Ph.D., RYT-200, for an in-depth training on the principles and practices of trauma-informed yoga, with a special focus on chair yoga practices, yogic breathing exercises, and yoga nidra, the yogic sleep. This workshop also incorporates techniques and theory from trauma studies, somatic psychotherapy and Ayurveda. Throughout the day, you will learn the importance of nervous-system regulation to the process of psychological healing.
Learn first-hand why organizations as diverse as the U.S. Army and the U.S. prison system have embraced yoga as an evidence-based approach to treat post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression.
You will leave the workshop with the background and tools you need to evaluate the benefits of adding trauma-informed yogic interventions to whatever style of therapy you currently practice.
Evaluate ways that autonomic nervous system dysregulation contributes to PTSD symptoms. Ascertain symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder which can be decreased through trauma-sensitive yoga practice. Analyze ways that trauma-informed chair yoga postures can be used in the individual or group psychotherapy session. Determine the benefits of bringing yogic deep relaxation into the therapy session. Identify yogic strategies to help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression in clients. Explain the potential for improved clinical outcomes resulting from incorporating yoga and three-part deep breathing practices.
The use of technology is a common expectation of clients in today’s world (and a requirement for some clients). Providing distance therapy services makes sense for ... moreyour practice, but understanding all the legal, ethical, business and in-session challenges can seem daunting.
What are all the legal and ethical risks? Is distance therapy effective? How do I even get started? – Attend this course and get the answers to your questions!
Providing distance therapy services will allow you to gain access to more clients and provide quality care for your clients wherever they are.
By attending this Distance Therapy Training Course, you’ll obtain a complete walkthrough of the whole process. You’ll learn:
The key terminology, evidence, benefits and risks. The unique legal and ethical concerns associated, such as privacy, security and crossing state lines. The policies, procedures and best practices you need to know to get started and while protecting your professional liability. How to navigate challenging telehealth business questions involving marketing, payments, billing and insurance. Demonstrations of the technology options and strategies for how to use them effectively.
Sign up today and leave confident in your ability to have a successful telehealth practice!
Complete this workshop and learn new clinical skills, interventions, and principles to help your clients cope with the challenges of recovering from trauma. Throughout the workshop ... moretrauma specialist, Michael S. Prokop, will discuss and integrate the “active ingredients” for “healing trauma” as they are utilized within the Three Stage Consensus Model. Attend and be able to:
Use dozens of practical assessment, diagnosis and intervention strategies Effectively work with children, adolescents and adults dealing with trauma issues Implement multisensory interventions to treat the whole person You will be able to implement evidence-based treatment protocols for establishing safety, desensitizing and reprocessing trauma memories, as well as, resolving/reprocessing complicated grief. With these new skills, you will be able to assist your clients in their journey as they “restructure a victim mentality to form a proactive survivor identity.” With this new identity, you will be able to help clients reconnect to self, family, society and dreams!
"Texting rather than talking. Gathering “likes” and followers. Making friends via a gaming console. Unrelenting 24/7 news cycles. Ready or not, the rise of social ... moremedia, and 24/7 Internet access has changed the way we relate to one another (and ourselves), leaving in its wake a whole new set of challenges for those who use it.
As therapists, you see people of all ages with these issues:
The girl who can’t put her phone away during session. The boy who isn’t sleeping after reading messages on social media. “Friends” of all ages who shame each other for life choices and argue by text. The socially anxious young adult who struggles to meet people in person because all of his “friends” are online. The parent who has to contend with “Facebook shaming” for every parenting decision. The older adult who feels out of touch and disconnected. The impact is rampant and pervasive – as a result, treatment of anxiety doesn’t look the same anymore.
Attend this unique and engaging seminar to learn innovative ways to treat this new facet of anxiety with today’s client. You’ll discover:
Key questions to ask at assessment to uncover problematic use of technology How excessive screen time affects mood, anxiety and self-worth in clients of all ages Tools to help clients regulate their emotions and make wise decisions (on and offline) Innovative techniques for promoting healthy use of technology with clients Deliberate strategies for managing time, device use and “information overload”
Sign up today!
Evaluate the impact persistent “screen time” exposure can have on the neurobiological and psychological health of clients. Implement strategies to effectively reduce excessive use of technology that leads to avoidance and increased anxiety. Increase clients’ capacity to utilize technology in a healthy manner to decrease risk of anxiety and other mental health symptoms. Establish clinical practices that decrease rumination and build resilience to the stress of the digital world. Teach clients five strategies for overcoming irrational fears of social interaction in order to improve clinical outcomes. Implement cognitive-behavioral strategies for challenging distorted beliefs and the “comparison fallacy” as related to online interactions.
Because trauma lives in the body, traditional talk therapy cannot access the deeply rooted, pervasive wounds that complex trauma leaves behind. Many traumatized clients present ... morewith overlapping symptoms including self-hatred, self-alienation, addiction, internal conflict, numbing or shame.
With these clients, you may constantly feel stuck treating surface-level symptoms or the “crisis of the week.” As a result, you are left overwhelmed and frustrated that you can never get to treating the trauma, despite your best efforts.
Go beyond symptom reduction and take your work with traumatized clients to a whole new level by implementing this transformational approach to trauma treatment.
Join world-renowned complex trauma and attachment expert Janina Fisher for this intensive workshop. Her cutting-edge approach will shift your clinical perspective so you’ll see your client not as a traumatized whole person, but rather as fragmented pieces that are in need of healing.
Over the two days of this course, Janina will teach you to go beyond treating surfacelevel symptoms and give you the tools you need to look at trauma treatment through a whole new lens. Janina’s innovative approach integrates Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Internal Family Systems and Ego State Therapy to get to the root of the problem where trauma can truly be processed.
Janina will teach you how to help clients struggling with suicidal and self-destructive impulses, loss of identity, and self-hatred caused by childhood trauma. You’ll walk away with the skills you need to help your fragmented and traumatized clients achieve selfcompassion and acceptance of all aspects of self.
Through real-life, in-session videos, practical mindfulness exercises, and unique insight from the field of neuroscience, you’ll learn powerful strategies to use in your practice to overcome the devastating impacts of childhood abuse and repair childhood wounds.
Register today and revolutionize the way you treat trauma!
Coalesce Research Group likes to welcome all the Directors, Heads, Deans, Professors, Scientists, Researchers, Doctors and students of Psychiatry for “International ... moreConference on Addiction, Psychiatry and Mental Health”, October 24-25, 2019 at Rome, Italy with the theme of “ Novel approaches and Developments in Addiction Research and Psychiatry”
Join child/adolescent behavioral expert, R. Nicolle Carr, Ph.D, and learn how to best manage the students at your school diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), ... moreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), mood disorders, anxiety and depression. You will walk away with concrete, yet practical, strategies to successfully intervene with their serious behavioral issues, such as:
Anger and outbursts Meltdowns and tantrums Cutting and self-injury Obsessive compulsive Defiance Truancy Impulsivity Rigidity Sensory issues Electronic addiction
Through case studies, video clips and dynamic class discussion you will learn:
30 second teacher strategies to manage challenging and disruptive behaviors New ways to reduce the costs of out-of-district placements How to engage students in class, increase productivity and reduce truancy Behavioral assessments and strategies for the IEP team Side-effects of common psychotropic medications How skill deficits from mental health conditions create behavioral difficulties Characteristics of at-risk students’ mental health problems Strategies to gain collaboration with clinicians
Leave the day with the “magic dust” you have been looking for to expedite rapid and effective changes in these children and adolescents!
"Clinicians often struggle to develop an effective approach to counseling grief clients due to the uniqueness of each individual’s grief. The last 10-15 years have seen an ... moreexplosion of new research in the field and many new studies have turned what we thought we knew on its head. Explore this new research about appropriate diagnosis of grief clients, ideas for how to assess grief severity and related constructs, and clarification about what is meant by “complicated grief.” Review the most commonly used current models for understanding grief and leave with tools, including 20 interventions, to more confidently assist clients in navigating the adaptive, yet confusing and difficult, grief process. The seminar will end with a focus on self-care, discussing how to appropriately manage and care for ourselves in this demanding, yet fulfilling, work."