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Coalesce Research Group likes to welcome all the Directors, Heads, Deans, Professors, Scientists, Researchers, Doctors and students of Psychiatry for “International ... moreConference on Addiction, Psychiatry and Mental Health”, October 24-25, 2019 at Rome, Italy with the theme of “ Novel approaches and Developments in Addiction Research and Psychiatry&rdquo.
Coalesce Research Group likes to welcome all the Directors, Heads, Deans, Professors, Scientists, Researchers, Doctors and students of Psychiatry for “International ... moreConference on Addiction, Psychiatry and Mental Health”, October 24-25, 2019 at Rome, Italy with the theme of “ Novel approaches and Developments in Addiction Research and Psychiatry&rdquo
Course meets 13 Mondays starting 1/6/20 – 4:00-5:45pm PST (7:00-8:45pm EST) “This comprehensive 12-week (plus free mandatory intro meeting) CBT course ... moreuses a combination of live group didactic sessions together with practice and role play, with emphasis on skill building of therapy tools and techniques for CBT. This course is designed to help you: 1. Collect and review patients’ self-report data in order to improve therapy outcomes and strengthen the therapeutic alliance 2. Utilize advanced empathy skills to connect with more challenging patients doing CBT. 3. Apply “the five secrets of effective communication” with your patients to improve your therapeutic alliance and improve CBT outcomes. 4. Describe “the five steps of agenda setting” to address and decrease resistance in CBT 5. Demonstrate the “Invitation” step 6. Use the “Specificity” step to keep therapy on track 7. Recognize several different common forms of resistance 8. Describe the magic button and magic dial techniques to reduce resistance and boost motivation 9. Use Daily Mood Logs effectively 10. Apply the Blame Cost/Benefit Analysis for use with relationship problems 11. Identify “tempting thoughts” and positive distortions in the treatment of habits and addictions 12. Utilize the recovery circle in selecting appropriate methods 13. Describe relapse prevention to prepare client for managing relapse 14. Use the “What if technique” to uncover anxiety provoking thoughts 15. Apply the “Double Standard technique” to generate positive thoughts that will counter a negative thought 16. Conceptualize the problem into one of four main areas (mood, relationship, habit/addiction, non-problem) to assist in dealing with resistance and guide method selection 17. Apply the “Examine the Evidence technique” to assist in generating positive/ more realistic thoughts 18. Apply dangling the carrot, sitting with open hands, and the gentle ultimatum to address process resistance. Cost: $720 (price doesn’t include required $99 course materials
Link to register: 'http://www.feelinggoodinstitute.com/comprehensive-12-week-training-in-cbt-for-therapists http://www.feelinggoodinstitute.com/comprehensive-12-week-training-in-cbt-for-therapists
Coalesce Research Group likes to welcome all the Directors, Heads, Deans, Professors, Scientists, Researchers, Doctors and students of Psychiatry for “International ... moreConference on Addiction, Psychiatry and Mental Health”, October 24-25, 2019 at Rome, Italy with the theme of “<em>Novel approaches and Developments in Addiction Research and Psychiatry&rdquo.
Coalesce Research Group likes to welcome all the Directors, Heads, Deans, Professors, Scientists, Researchers, Doctors and students of Psychiatry for “International ... moreConference on Addiction, Psychiatry and Mental Health”, October 24-25, 2019 at Rome, Italy with the theme of “ Novel approaches and Developments in Addiction Research and Psychiatry”
Date: Tue, 11 Feb, 2025Weekly on Tuesday
Coalesce Research Group likes to welcome all the Directors, Heads, Deans, Professors, Scientists, Researchers, Doctors and students of Psychiatry for “International ... moreConference on Addiction, Psychiatry and Mental Health”, October 24-25, 2019 at Rome, Italy with the theme of “ Novel approaches and Developments in Addiction Research and Psychiatry”
Coalesce Research Group likes to welcome all the Directors, Heads, Deans, Professors, Scientists, Researchers, Doctors and students of Psychiatry for “International ... moreConference on Addiction, Psychiatry and Mental Health”, October 24-25, 2019 at Rome, Italy with the theme of “ Novel approaches and Developments in Addiction Research and Psychiatry”
Coalesce Research Group likes to welcome all the Directors, Heads, Deans, Professors, Scientists, Researchers, Doctors and students of Psychiatry for “International ... moreConference on Addiction, Psychiatry and Mental Health”, October 24-25, 2019 at Rome, Italy with the theme of “Novel approaches and Developments in Addiction Research and Psychiatry”
Clinicians often struggle to develop an effective approach to counseling grief clients due to the uniqueness of each individual’s grief. The last 10-15 years have ... moreseen an explosion of new research in the field and many new studies have turned what we thought we knew on its head.
Explore this new research about appropriate diagnosis of grief clients, ideas for how to assess grief severity and related constructs, and clarification about what is meant by “complicated grief.” Review the most commonly used current models for understanding grief and leave with tools, including 20 interventions, to more confidently assist clients in navigating the adaptive, yet confusing and difficult, grief process. The seminar will end with a focus on self-care, discussing how to appropriately manage and care for ourselves in this demanding, yet fulfilling, work.
Clear, Concise, and Current Information on Psychotropic Medications Does this sound familiar? Your clients are taking multiple psychotropic medications prescribed ... moreby different health care professionals. You watch as prescriptions stream in from psychiatrists, family physicians, nurse practitioners, and others, and you discover that your clients have no idea who wrote which prescription or why they are even taking the medication. You realize that despite the confusion, you still have a responsibility to know your clients’ symptoms and reactions to medications, and to coordinate their care.
Dr. Kenneth Carter shares practical and useful information that you need to advocate for your clients. You will get the latest information on antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, medications for insomnia, and others. You will take a close look at the ethical decisions that accompany their use. You will leave better prepared to communicate with your clients as well as the prescribers, as Dr. Carter instructs you on how the medications work, their benefits, and the side effects and dangerous reactions associated with them.
Do you want to vastly increase your knowledge and ability to communicate with your clients and health care providers? The prescription: Register for this seminar!
As a clinician, there is little doubt that you are working with trauma. In the field of traumatic stress, there have been many updates and improvements designed to improve treatment ... moreoutcomes. One of those improvements is the trauma processing modality, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). Evidence suggests that EMDR is one of the most effective modalities for treating trauma and PTSD. So, if you’ve yet to learn this skill, now is the time! < > Join trauma specialist, author and national trainer, Linda Curran, BCPC, LPC, CAC-D, CCDP, for this intensive 3-day EMDR training that will provide you the knowledge and skills needed to use EMDR safely and effectively. Through lecture, live and videotaped EMDR demonstrations, and supervised experiential exercises, this training will provide you with an in-depth knowledge of trauma theory, principles, diagnosis and EMDR treatment.
The stage model remains today’s state-of-the-art treatment approach for all but single-incident trauma. During this training, you will learn the goals of each stage, along with the therapeutic tools to reach those goals
This is a training you don’t want to miss. It’s your opportunity to:
Learn EMDR skills and why it is such an effective treatment for both single incident PTSD and complex trauma Participate in hands-on practice of EMDR and other trauma treatment tools in safe and supervised environment Learn this dynamic, comprehensive skill that will equip you to start improving outcomes with traumatized clients right away
Sign up today to become a better therapist for your clients suffering from trauma’s multitude of symptoms.
BONUS This training meets most of the educational hours required to become a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional – Level II (CCTP-Level II)! For more information on the CCTP-Level II certification visit http://www.traumapro.net
www.traumapro.net . This course is not affiliated with EMDRIA and does not qualify towards EMDRIA credits or training.
Intended Audience
This workshop is intended for masters- and doctoral-level clinicians experienced in working with trauma. In this course, you will learn and practice alternating bilateral stimulation into two distinct types of psychotherapy sessions; development and installation of internal resources; and reprocessing of traumatic material. This course assumes requisite knowledge of, and experience with, a traumatized population (i.e., clients with underlying simple or complex PTSD regardless of presenting issues).
Participants will leave the workshop with both theoretical knowledge of the current trauma paradigm as well as the practical “hands on” experience of participating in EMDR for resourcing and reprocessing trauma.
Facilitators: Facilitators are required to attend both days of the seminar and agree to comply with the requirements of the position. You will receive a reduced tuition. To check availability and register as the Facilitator, please call our Customer Service Department at 1-800-844-8260.
Evaluate the biological nature of trauma and how trauma is stored in the body and limbic system, creating physical and psychological symptoms to better understand your clients. Differentiate between sympathetic (activated) freeze response and the parasympathetic (deactivated) dorsal vagal immobilization response your clients experience. Distinguish between the following types of traumatic stress: normal, prolonged, complex and developmental and articulate treatment considerations for each. Ascertain the clinical implications of traumatic stress symptomology, including hyperarousal, affect dysregulation, dissociation, body memories, and flashbacks. Employ effective somatic techniques to reduce/eliminate client’s body memories, “flashbacks” and dissociation. Summarize the landmark study: Adverse Childhood Experiences Study and understand the ten adverse childhood experiences studied as they related to clinical diagnosis and assessment. Evaluate the clinical presentation of the following attachment styles as it relates to your clinical assessment: secure vs insecure; insecure; organized vs insecure disorganized. Designate two different treatment strategies, once attachment style has been ascertained, based on your clients’ attachment style. Demonstrate strategies to help clients build skills to be prepared to process trauma via EMDR, including safety within the therapeutic alliance and skills for self-regulation. Determine when/if your client is prepared to safely process trauma memories via EMDR. Create and employ client-driven imagery for safety and containment during trauma processing. Utilize clinical techniques to help with grounding and centering traumatized clients in-session. Prepare clients with various trauma tools; mindfulness, guided imagery and meridian-based techniques to decrease client’s arousal levels and modulate affect. Analyze and critique the original eight phases of EMDR’s standard protocol (Shapiro) as it relates to clinical treatment. Determine Parnell’s four essential elements of each EMDR session and how it relates to client treatment. Practice under supervision Parnell’s Modified EMDR protocol to prepare for work with your clients in-session. Practice under supervision the skill for resourcing a client with imaginal resources prior to processing traumatic material. Practice under supervision the trauma processing modality and EDMR tools for processing traumatic memories with your clients. Utilize and practice two “cues for safety” with your clients based on Steve Porges’ Polyvagal Theory.
As a clinician, there is little doubt that you are working with trauma. In the field of traumatic stress, there have been many updates and improvements designed to improve treatment ... moreoutcomes. One of those improvements is the trauma processing modality, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). Evidence suggests that EMDR is one of the most effective modalities for treating trauma and PTSD. So, if you’ve yet to learn this skill, now is the time! < br /> Join trauma specialist, author and national trainer, Linda Curran, BCPC, LPC, CAC-D, CCDP, for this intensive 3-day EMDR training that will provide you the knowledge and skills needed to use EMDR safely and effectively. Through lecture, live and videotaped EMDR demonstrations, and supervised experiential exercises, this training will provide you with an in-depth knowledge of trauma theory, principles, diagnosis and EMDR treatment.
The stage model remains today’s state-of-the-art treatment approach for all but single-incident trauma. During this training, you will learn the goals of each stage, along with the therapeutic tools to reach those goals.
This is a training you don’t want to miss. It’s your opportunity to:
Learn EMDR skills and why it is such an effective treatment for both single incident PTSD and complex trauma Participate in hands-on practice of EMDR and other trauma treatment tools in safe and supervised environment Learn this dynamic, comprehensive skill that will equip you to start improving outcomes with traumatized clients right away
Sign up today to become a better therapist for your clients suffering from trauma’s multitude of symptoms.
BONUS This training meets most of the educational hours required to become a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional – Level II (CCTP-Level II)! For more information on the CCTP-Level II certification visit
www.traumapro.net . This course is not affiliated with EMDRIA and does not qualify towards EMDRIA credits or training.
Intended Audience
This workshop is intended for masters- and doctoral-level clinicians experienced in working with trauma. In this course, you will learn and practice alternating bilateral stimulation into two distinct types of psychotherapy sessions; development and installation of internal resources; and reprocessing of traumatic material. This course assumes requisite knowledge of, and experience with, a traumatized population (i.e., clients with underlying simple or complex PTSD regardless of presenting issues).
Participants will leave the workshop with both theoretical knowledge of the current trauma paradigm as well as the practical “hands on” experience of participating in EMDR for resourcing and reprocessing trauma.
Facilitators: Facilitators are required to attend both days of the seminar and agree to comply with the requirements of the position. You will receive a reduced tuition. To check availability and register as the Facilitator, please call our Customer Service Department at 1-800-844-8260.
Evaluate the biological nature of trauma and how trauma is stored in the body and limbic system, creating physical and psychological symptoms to better understand your clients. Differentiate between sympathetic (activated) freeze response and the parasympathetic (deactivated) dorsal vagal immobilization response your clients experience. Distinguish between the following types of traumatic stress: normal, prolonged, complex and developmental and articulate treatment considerations for each. scertain the clinical implications of traumatic stress symptomology, including hyperarousal, affect dysregulation, dissociation, body memories, and flashbacks. Employ effective somatic techniques to reduce/eliminate client’s body memories, “flashbacks” and dissociation. Summarize the landmark study: Adverse Childhood Experiences Study and understand the ten adverse childhood experiences studied as they related to clinical diagnosis and assessment. Evaluate the clinical presentation of the following attachment styles as it relates to your clinical assessment: secure vs insecure; insecure; organized vs insecure disorganized. Designate two different treatment strategies, once attachment style has been ascertained, based on your clients’ attachment style. Demonstrate strategies to help clients build skills to be prepared to process trauma via EMDR, including safety within the therapeutic alliance and skills for self-regulation. Determine when/if your client is prepared to safely process trauma memories via EMDR. Create and employ client-driven imagery for safety and containment during trauma processing. Utilize clinical techniques to help with grounding and centering traumatized clients in-session. Prepare clients with various trauma tools; mindfulness, guided imagery and meridian-based techniques to decrease client’s arousal levels and modulate affect. Analyze and critique the original eight phases of EMDR’s standard protocol (Shapiro) as it relates to clinical treatment Determine Parnell’s four essential elements of each EMDR session and how it relates to client treatment. Practice under supervision Parnell’s Modified EMDR protocol to prepare for work with your clients in-session. Practice under supervision the skill for resourcing a client with imaginal resources prior to processing traumatic material. Practice under supervision the trauma processing modality and EDMR tools for processing traumatic memories with your clients. Utilize and practice two “cues for safety” with your clients based on Steve Porges’ Polyvagal Theory.
As a clinician, there is little doubt that OUTLINE you are working with trauma. In the field of traumatic stress, there have been many... more updates and improvements designed to improve treatment outcomes. One of those improvements is the trauma processing modality, Eye Movement Desensitization and Repro-cessing (EMDR). Evidence suggests that EMDR is one of the most effective modalities for treating trauma and PTSD. So, if you’ve yet to learn this skill, now is the time!
This is a training you don’t want to miss! It’s your opportunity to: Learn EMDR skills and why it is such an effect treatment for both single incident PTSD and complex trauma Participate in hands-on practice of EMDR and other trauma treatment tools in a safe and supervised environment Learn this dynamic, comprehensive skill that will equip you to start improving outcomes with traumatized clients right away Sign up today to become a better therapist for your clients suffering from trauma’s multitude of symptoms.
Coalesce Research Group likes to welcome all the Directors, Heads, Deans, Professors, Scientists, Researchers, Doctors and students of Psychiatry for “International ... moreConference on Addiction, Psychiatry and Mental Health”, October 24-25, 2019 at Rome, Italy with the theme of “Novel approaches and Developments in Addiction Research and Psychiatry”
Your client just revealed that she’s having suicidal thoughts...what do you do? Does she have a gun? Has she written letters? Picked a location? Have hope something ... morewill change and doesn’t want to hurt family and friends?
Asking your client, “where do you hurt?” often reveals the focus of the suicidal intent or the purpose of self-harm behaviors. As a clinician, it’s important to remember that even though you view suicide and self-harm behaviors as dysfunctional and maladaptive, your client views them as purpose-driven means of eliminating or managing unbearable levels of pain. For your client, these behaviors are beneficial, attractive, and helpful.
Even the most seasoned therapists struggle to develop an empathic view of their client’s devastating methods of managing emotional pain. Learning how to help clients discover the sources of their pain and providing them with healthy options for solving and managing these struggles in their lives is the key to hope. Through case studies observed in his 45 years as a counselor and suicidologist, Jack Klott brings to life the ideas, theories and concepts you need to help your clients:
Identify the seven goals of self-harm Implement a risk assessment strategy to determine who presents the highest risk for suicide and self-harm Recognize the profound danger of engaging in “contracts” with your clients Discuss the four essential elements of therapy with suicidal and self-harming clients Understand how “fear of litigation” can severely detract from your ability to help the suicidal population
Join Jack for this one-of-a-kind seminar and learn how to help your clients confront the darkness of suicide and self-harm behaviors. Register today!
Do you want to gain powerful techniques for your clients who struggle with treatment resistant anxiety, worry and panic? Learn... more how to assess anxious habits, symptoms and behaviors using effective cutting-edge, evidence-based strategies…even with your toughest clients!
Dr. Jennifer Abel will teach you how to stop the anxiety spiral early to significantly reduce the habit of worry and panic using self-controlled desensitization. Experience how evidence-based treatments can help your clients problem solve, reduce tension, and increase energy. Learn unique, effective approaches to mindfulness, cognitive therapy, and exposure, including thought-labeling, interoceptive exposure, and better-butbelievable thoughts.
Case studies, role plays, demonstrations and interactive discussions will be utilized in this cutting-edge seminar.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is an empirically validated approach for working with mental health, chemical dependency, and complex co-morbidity. Designed to empower ... moreclients to establish mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness, DBT assists clinicians in treating clients with emotional problems, suicidal, self-harm, and self-sabotaging urges and behaviors, and challenging interpersonal styles.
Attend this 2-day intensive training and receive a detailed understanding and foundation of the skills of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) as applied to clients with mental health and chemical dependency issues. Going beyond symptom management, these skills are designed to improve functioning to build satisfying lives.
This course explores DBT’s theoretical basis, specific DBT interventions, and how to teach skills in individual and group settings. Familiarity with these skills and techniques along with experiential exercises will enhance your clinical skills and professional development.
Guided by the latest research and policy in evidence-based practices, this course teaches the clinical process and content of DBT from theory to practice. Going beyond prescriptive applications, this course shows you how to use essentials such as validation, dialectical strategies, communication styles, and the best ways of changing behaviors in order to effectively balance acceptance and change with your clients. Complete with education on user-friendly diary cards and chain analysis protocols, you will leave this conference with increased DBT competency as well as many new tools including client worksheets to bring to your clinical practice.
Clinicians often struggle to develop an effective approach to counseling grief clients due to the uniqueness of each individual’s grief. The last 10-15 years have ... moreseen an explosion of new research in the field and many new studies have turned what we thought we knew on its head.
Explore this new research about appropriate diagnosis of grief clients, ideas for how to assess grief severity and related constructs, and clarification about what is meant by “complicated grief.” Review the most commonly used current models for understanding grief and leave with tools, including 20 interventions, to more confidently assist clients in navigating the adaptive, yet confusing and difficult, grief process. The seminar will end with a focus on self-care, discussing how to appropriately manage and care for ourselves in this demanding, yet fulfilling, work.
Join Anne Procyk, ND, as she teaches you how to think more holistically about diagnosis, nutritional deficiencies, and hormonal imbalances that may contribute to mental health disorders. ... moreNutritional psychology is an emerging field outlining how nutrients can affect mood and behavior. Many clients see a reduction in symptoms when integrating non-pharmaceutical interventions to treat depression, anxiety, bipolar and ADHD. You will learn the underlying causes and symptoms of these disorders, to more accurately diagnose and treat your clients.
Through case analysis, you will experience how addressing core physical and nutritional needs can greatly increase therapeutic results. You will discover the nutrients most essential to help treat your most depressed and anxious clients, and learn simple strategies that can be integrated with pharmaceutical interventions. Leave this seminar with the tools and understanding necessary to immediately incorporate these strategies into your clinical practice.